Frozen Cosmos

brand identity

visual identity

creative direction

interior concept

I was approached by an entrepreneur based in Dubai, UAE who had a vision to create an ice cream shop that served high-quality ice cream, gelato and treats that were all made from natural and healthy ingredients with no sugar. His vision was for a brand that would appeal to children and adults alike. I came up with the entire brand identity, including the name. As for the visual identity, I decided to include some 3D illustrations and elements, especially the brand mascot "The Cowsmonaut" who bravely travels the cosmos in search of the best ingredients. I also created some interior concept art renders.

complete rebranding for this leading crossfit facility. I directed the brand design reflecting the core essence and values of the business.beyond the visual identity, I also dove into the customer experience to create a complete lifestyle solution for the members and visitors from arrival to departure

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